UTIM Installation Guide


Use pip for python3:

pip3 install --extra-index-url https://test.pypi.org/simple/ utim


Example of UTIM launcher is here </user/about>.

Before you run launcher you need:

  1. Set environment variable UTIM_MASTER_KEY. Value of this variable is in hex format. For example:
  1. Edit config.ini file (in the same folder), or create config file in the other place and set environment variable UTIM_CONFIG. Value of this variable is a absolute path to config.ini.
; Configuration
; Sections (required):
; * UTIM:
;   * utimname - name of UTIM in hex format (for example, utimname=74657374 for value 'test')
;   * messaging_protocol - MQTT or AMQP
; Sections (optional, according UTIM.messaging_protocol):
; * MQTT
; * AMQP

uhostname = 74657374
utimname = 7574696d
messaging_protocol = MQTT

hostname = localhost
username = test
password = test
reconnect_time = 60

hostname = localhost
username = test
password = test
reconnect_time = 60